
Aged Residential Care Service Review

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The Aged Residential Care Service Review launched on 8 September 2010 and is one of the most extensive reviews ever undertaken.

Population forecasts indicate that the Aged Residential Care sector must evolve to accommodate growth and change. This review has provided an opportunity for stakeholders to collaborate and contribute to a sustainable future and has had the highest provider participation rate of any comparable international study.

The review was undertaken by a Grant Thornton New Zealand led project team and overseen by a steering group that included representatives from District Health Boards and Aged Residential Care providers. The review was co-sponsored by New Zealand Aged Care Association and the 20 District Health Boards of New Zealand.

The issues presented are complex and far reaching and the review provides a comprehensive stock-take of the costs of delivering care over the spectrum of aged residential care facilities. It also considers alternative service delivery models and identifies the growth of supply and investment required in rest homes, dementia and hospital care facilities to meet projected demand.

The public debate stemming from the findings presented in this report is an important one. It needs to start immediately and must be well informed.