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Latest service update for our clients

We want to let our clients and stakeholders know that New Zealand’s national lockdown should not cause any significant disruption to the level and quality of service that we’re proud to deliver. We have invested in state-of-the-art cloud technology which enables us to service our clients in a range of agile ways, some of which include:

  • face to face meetings via video or teleconference
  • file sharing options which enable us to securely share files with each other electronically
  • collaboration tools including screen sharing and a platform for our clients and advisors to work on documents together

If there are extenuating circumstances that could affect our service delivery to you, some one from your Grant Thornton team will be in touch with you soon.

You will also be able to reach your Grant Thornton advisors via the same landline and mobile phone numbers. Our main office landlines are being operated remotely so you can still contact our reception team who will be able to direct enquires:

T +64 9 308 2570

T +64 4 474 8500

T +64 3 379 9580

The Coronavirus COVID-19 situation continues to evolve and the advice to businesses about how to respond is constantly being updated, so be sure get in touch with your Grant Thornton advisor and regularly visit our website for expert insights into the situation.

Take care,

The team at Grant Thornton New Zealand

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