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Press Release

Grant Thornton and Libertine Pictures to offer New Zealand Screen Production Grant advisory service

Business consultants Grant Thornton and production company Libertine Pictures have launched an advisory service for producers seeking to access New Zealand’s new film and television production grants.

The service will be provided by Grant Thornton and Libertine Pictures in association with screen sector consultancy Tim Thorpe Consulting and Emery Legal, and will offer assistance to production companies seeking the new 20 and 25% screen production grant for international film and television productions and the 40% grant for New Zealand film and television productions and official co-productions.

The New Zealand Screen Production Grant (NZSPG) was introduced by the New Zealand Government on 1 April 2014. While all international productions that meet the base eligibility criteria will be able to access a grant equivalent to 20% of Qualifying NZ Production Expenditure (QNZPE), some productions may be entitled to an additional 5% if they can demonstrate significant economic benefits to New Zealand.

New Zealand productions that meet the ‘Significant New Zealand Content Test’ or official co-productions are able to access a grant equivalent to 40% of QNZPE. 

Libertine Pictures Joint Managing Director Richard Fletcher said “The advisory service has been set up to assist productions to meet the more nuanced and demanding economic development points test criteria that trigger the additional 5% for international productions”.

The service aims to give advice on legacy physical infrastructure projects, and facilitate engagement and collaboration with educational institutions, gaming and interactive companies, non-screen sector high tech companies, and other such relationships and knowledge transfer from which the required economic benefits may flow.

”For international production companies seeking to access the 40% grant the advisory service can help structure their productions to meet the ‘Significant New Zealand Content Test’ or qualify as an official NZ co-production. We are experienced producers and can also act as a ‘full service’ production company or as co-producers on productions. We can, if required, also assist in facilitating financing of the NZSPG in advance of production,” said Fletcher.

Grant Thornton Partner Greg Thompson added: “In addition the advisory service is able to offer advice on how best to maximise potential QNZPE, manage New Zealand tax requirements, provide specialised production legal and accounting advice and assist with submission of provisional and final NZSPG applications.”

Further enquiries, please contact:

Greg Thompson
Grant Thornton New Zealand National Director and Partner, Tax
T +64 4 495 3775
M +64 21 281 7332

Richard Fletcher
Libertine Pictures
T +64 4 282 0057
M +64 21 655 339

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