To achieve your business goals, it’s vital that your leadership and management teams have confidence in your organisation’s systems and processes.

We know that businesses often face the challenge of having to do more with less, and every business function, including internal audit, is expected to deliver value.

Our internal audit is focused on delivering independent assurance over key controls within our clients’ riskiest processes, proving what works and what doesn’t and recommending improvements.

Our dedicated internal audit team delivers objective, value-added solutions that will strengthen internal controls and governance processes, implement sound organisational strategies, increase technological capabilities and improve your operational efficiency.

Our internal audit services include:

  • co-sourcing or outsourcing your internal audit
  • internal audit quality assurance reviews
  • internal audit transformation
  • information technology auditing
  • process mapping and reviews
  • probity reviews
  • internal controls documentation and testing
  • operational audits.

Also contact:

Ken Gibb

Partner, Consulting
M: +64 21 583 303

Lisle Clements

Director, Consulting
M: +64 21 274 1357
Murray Chandler
Partner and Public Sector Co-Leader
Murray Chandler